
How do I close a Ltd company with no debt?

How do I close a Ltd company with no debt?

There are two ways in which to close a company with no debts – getting it struck off the Register of Companies through a process sometimes known as dissolution, or entering into a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation.

How do I dissolve a Pvt Ltd company?

Table of contents

  1. Sell the Company.
  2. Compulsory Winding Up. Filing of a petition. Statement of Affairs of the Company. Advertisement for at least 14 days. Proceedings of the Tribunal.
  3. Voluntary Winding Up.
  4. Defunct Company Winding Up.

Can I walk away from a limited company?

As long as you did not act outside of the law whilst in your post as director, you are free to walk away from the company for good.

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How long it takes to close a Pvt Ltd company?

How long does it take for a company to be dissolved under fast track exit scheme? After filing the application with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, it takes about 90 days for striking off the Company from MCA records.

What happens when a private limited company is dissolved?

If a limited company has been struck off or dissolved, it is removed from the Register at Companies House and its cash and assets transfer to The Crown. In order get these assets back you will usually need to go through a process known as company restoration.

How do I close a Pvt Ltd company online?

  1. To close a company under FTE, one should apply through Form FTE, available in MCA website.
  2. On receiving the application, the Registrar would display the name of the company on its website for a period of 30 days, to give notice to anyone who may have objection to the striking off the name of the company.
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How long does it take to close a private limited company?

Can we close a company without filing annual returns?

It means Company is required to file its annual return for the year, till the company have conducted the business, once the company has stopped its business, IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO FILE ITS ANNUAL PENDING RETURNS before going for strike off of company, and company can proceed for directly strike off WITHOUT FILING OF …

How to close a company that has been formed but not functional?

Here we bring you two options for such companies that you have formed but not functional anymore. This mode as suggested by name lets you close your company quickly, any company which is defunct can apply for this mode. 1. Nil asset and nil liability, and 2. Not commenced any business or activity since its incorporation

How to close a company under FTE?

To close a company under FTE, one should apply through Form FTE, available in MCA website. This form should be digitally signed by authorised director. The application fee will be Rs.5000/- 2.

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What is the best way to close a company?

Most feasible or easiest way to close a company is striking off its name from Register of Companies. This is preferable when a company is inoperative for a certain period. Other options include a winding-up petition, however that involves more time, investment and compliance.

How to remove a company from the a company register?

A company may on its own file an application for striking off in e-form STK-2 to the Registrar for removing the name of the Company after extinguishing all its liabilities and after passing a special resolution. STK-2 form is required to be signed by the director and it must also be certified by Practicing CS/CA/CWA.