
How do I consolidate a NuGet package?

How do I consolidate a NuGet package?

Click on “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution…” to open a slightly extended dialog to manage your NuGet packages: Browse, Installed and Updates work like the menus in the “default” NuGet packages dialog but contain all projects of this solution. The big addition is the Consolidate tab.

Can a NuGet package have multiple projects?

It is not possible to pack multiple projects into one NuGet package #8313.

How do I copy a NuGet package from one project to another?

Simply copy existing packages. config file to your new project. Include this file into the project. Then follow to Package Manager Console and execute Update-Package -reinstall command.

How do you’re install all NuGet packages?

Switch to the Browse tab, search for the package name, select it, then select Install). For all packages, delete the package folder, then run nuget install . For a single package, delete the package folder and use nuget install to reinstall the same one.

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How do I add a NuGet package to multiple projects?

Right-click your solution > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… Or: Tools > Library Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution… And if you go to the Installed packages area you can ‘Manage’ a single package across every project in the solution.

What is NuGet consolidate?

4 Answers. 4. 105. The Update tab is geared to display packages which have updates available while the consolidation tab is geared to display discrepancies between projects where both consume the same nuget package but are targeting different versions.

Does NuGet package include dependencies?

csproj that the . nuspec file in it does not include any dependencies, while in the ClassLibrary2 project, created using packages. config, the dependencies are included.

How do I create a Nuspec file?

Create the package

  1. In command line or PowerShell, navigate to your project directory.
  2. Run: nuget pack Nuget.Package.Name.nuspec. If all goes well you should now have a generated .nupkg file.
  3. Open the generated . nupkg file in Nuget Package Manager and see if it looks correct.
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How do I run a NuGet package restore?

Restore packages manually using Visual Studio

  1. Enable package restore by choosing Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager. Under Package Restore options, select Allow NuGet to download missing packages.
  2. In Solution Explorer, right click the solution and select Restore NuGet Packages.

How do I reinstall all packages in Visual Studio?

Reinstall all packages:

  1. In Visual Studio, navigate to Tools » Library Package Manager » Package Manager Console.
  2. Execute the following command: Update-Package -Reinstall. NOTE: You do this, because the changing the target framework requires re-installation of all packages.

Where are NuGet packages installed?

The global-packages folder is where NuGet installs any downloaded package….config, packages are installed to the global-packages folder, then copied into the project’s packages folder.

  • Windows: \%userprofile\%\.nuget\packages.
  • Mac/Linux: ~/.nuget/packages.

How does NuGet choose the correct package version?

When resolving package references and multiple package versions differ only by suffix, NuGet chooses a version without a suffix first, then applies precedence to pre-release versions in reverse alphabetical order. For example, the following versions would be chosen in the exact order shown:

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Why doesn’t the DotNet NuGet push command work?

If this command doesn’t work, it might be due to a bug that existed in older versions of the SDK (.NET Core 2.1 SDK and earlier versions). To fix this, upgrade your SDK version or run the following command instead: dotnet nuget push “**/*.nupkg”

How do I restore missing packages from NuGet?

NuGet is normally configured to restore packages automatically. See the options page. The second Package Restore option, “Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio” is enabled by default on clean installs. Here’s a little video I recorded of what happens on my machine when I open the solution.

Where can I find the config files for NuGet?

For more information on config files, see Configuring NuGet Behavior. NuGet’s default configuration is obtained by loading \%AppData\%\\NuGet\\NuGet.config (Windows) or $HOME/.local/share (Linux/macOS), then loading any nuget.config or .nuget uget.config starting from the root of drive and ending in the current directory.