
How do I find a prison pen pal?

How do I find a prison pen pal?

The most popular websites for finding inmate pen pals are:

  1. PrisonPenPals.
  2. Inmate Classified.
  3. Friends Beyond the Wall.
  4. WriteAPrisoner.

What do you ask a prison pen pal?


  • If you had to talk for fifteen minutes about something, what would it be?
  • What is something you wish you could change about the world?
  • Favorite ice cream flavor?
  • What was the last thing that made you laugh?
  • What colors do you wear, mainly?

Are Prison Pen Pals safe?

Is Having a Prison Penpal Dangerous? Yes, it could be dangerous. It’s not uncommon for unsuspecting outsiders to get scammed by their penpals in prison. But you need to remember that, just like the outside world, the prison is filled with all kinds of people.

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What can I write to an inmate in prison?

What To Write to Someone in Prison?

  1. Recall nice memories.
  2. Tell more about yourself.
  3. Send jokes or anecdotes.
  4. Write about your everyday life.
  5. Talk about mutual interests.
  6. Ask questions about the inmate’s life.
  7. Mention friends and family members and talk about them.
  8. Inform the inmate about the news in the state and worldwide.

How do I send a letter to an inmate?

General Rules of Writing an Inmate in Prison

  1. Write the full name of the prisoner.
  2. Include the prisoner’s ID number.
  3. Write your name and the return address on the envelope and in the letter.
  4. Choose the correct envelope size.
  5. Don’t put perfume on the letter.
  6. Don’t decorate the letter in any way.

How can I get a free pen pal?

Here are ten websites you can join to find your pen pal:

  1. InterPals.
  2. Global Penfriends.
  3. Conversation Exchange.
  4. HelloTalk.
  5. PenpalsNow.
  6. Penpal Party.
  7. My Language Exchange.
  8. Polyglot Club.