
How do I find my I2C device address?

How do I find my I2C device address?

  1. Find I2C address of your device. You can use i2cdetect or Explorer program to find current i2c address of your device.
  2. i2cdetect. Run: i2cdetect -y 1 [Press Enter] This program displays address in 7 bit format (multiply by 2 to get 8 bit format).
  3. Explorer Program. Navigate to appropriate folder. Run:

How does Arduino define I2C address?

The address is the I2C address of the slave device we need to get data from, and quantity is the number of bytes we need. For our project, the slave device address is 0x08 and we need one byte. So inside the loop() , we use Wire. requestFrom(0x08, 1); to request one byte of data from slave 0x08 .

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Does Arduino Uno have I2C?

The Arduino Uno board has only one I2C module, but it provides these SDA and SCL line at two different locations. Note: While communicating with devices using I2C communication protocol, pull-up resistors should be used.

How do you detect I2C?

i2cdetect is a userspace program to scan an I2C bus for devices. It outputs a table with the list of detected devices on the specified bus. i2cbus indicates the number or name of the I2C bus to be scanned, and should correspond to one of the busses listed by i2cdetect -l.

How do I set up an I2C address?

The I2C Software Protocol

  1. Send a start sequence.
  2. Send the I2C address of the slave with the R/W bit low (even address)
  3. Send the internal register number you want to write to.
  4. Send the data byte.
  5. [ Optionally, send any further data bytes]
  6. Send the stop sequence.

What is I2C in Arduino?

Arduino boards to share information with each other. The I2C protocol involves using two lines to send and receive data: a serial clock pin (SCL) that the Arduino Master board pulses at a regular interval, and a serial data pin (SDA) over which data is sent between the two devices.

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How do I enable I2C?


  1. Run this command: sudo raspi-config.
  2. Select Interfacing Options > I2C.
  3. Select Yes when prompted to enable the I2C interface.
  4. Select Yes when prompted to automatically load the I2C kernel module.
  5. Select Finish.
  6. Select Yes when prompted to reboot.

Can I use any I2C device in Arduino?

You can use any I2C Device but here i am using GY-87 Module, because it has a lot of I2C Devices inside this. When you are going to use I2C modules for your Arduino Projects, sometimes the manufacturer didn’t give the address of I2C device inside the chip.

How do I find the I2C address of a module?

You will be able to know the I2C address of your module that’s connected to SDA & SCL Arduino by using I2C scanner code. You can use any I2C Device but here i am using GY-87 Module, because it has a lot of I2C Devices inside this.

How does the I2C scanner work?

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How the I2C Scanner Works. The I2C protocol uses an ACK, which allows the master to essentially ping an address, see if there is an ACK and if so, there is a device at that address. So by cycling through all valid addresses and trying to talk to a device at that address, it’s possible to build a list of all devices present on the bus.

How can I2C be used to list all devices on bus?

The I2C protocol uses an ACK, which allows the master to essentially ping an address, see if there is an ACK and if so, there is a device at that address. So by cycling through all valid addresses and trying to talk to a device at that address, it’s possible to build a list of all devices present on the bus.