
How do I find my profile URL?

How do I find my profile URL?

Click View Profile to go to your profile page.

  1. Under “Me,” select “View Profile.”
  2. Your profile URL will be in the address bar.
  3. Under “Me,” select “View Profile.”
  4. Click the “Edit public profile & URL” button on the right.
  5. Click the pencil icon next to your current URL.
  6. Enter your new URL and hit “Save.”

How do you send someone your Facebook link?

Click your name in the upper right corner to display your profile, write down the URL address in the address bar, then give it your friend.

How do I find my Facebook URL on Iphone?

To get your Facebook URL on a mobile device:

  1. Open Facebook app.
  2. Go to your profile page and click on More.
  3. In the drop down you would see an option to “Copy Link to Profile”
  4. Tap on it and your Facebook URL will be copied to your clipboard.
  5. For iOS devices, open Facebook on your web browser.
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How do I link to my GitHub profile?

On the GitHub website, click on you repository of interest. Locate the green button named Code and click on it. The GitHub URL will appear. Copy the GitHub URL.

How do you copy a link from Facebook on iPhone?

Copying a link from the iOS app:

  1. Open your Facebook app.
  2. Go to the post.
  3. Click on “Share” and select “Copy link”

How do I share a link to GitHub?

Inviting collaborators to a personal repository

  1. Ask for the username of the person you’re inviting as a collaborator.
  2. On, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  3. Under your repository name, click Settings.
  4. In the left sidebar, click Manage access.
  5. Click Invite a collaborator.

How do I find my git URL?

2 Answers

  1. Tip to get only the remote URL: git config –get remote.origin.url.
  2. In order to get more details about a particular remote, use the. git remote show [remote-name] command.
  3. Here use, git remote show origin.
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What is a profile URL?

Every profile on Facebook has a unique URL, just like other pages on the Internet. This URL may be a name or nickname, or it may be a string of random-looking characters; either way, it will take a browser directly to the profile page it denotes.