
How do I install Appium on my Mac desktop?

How do I install Appium on my Mac desktop?

How to Install Appium on Mac OS in 3 Simple Steps

  1. Step 1: Install all the pre-requisites for Appium. Install the latest Xcode Desktop version.
  2. Step 2: Download Appium Desktop and install it. Now, download the latest Appium desktop version from the below link and install it.
  3. Step 3: Setting up WebdriverAgent in XCode.

How do I install specific version of Appium?

  1. Variation 1 : Install the latest version of Appium – With this approach, Node.js will always install the latest version. The command that you can use for this is – npm install -g appium.
  2. Variation 2 : Install a specific Appium version – Here, you can install any version of Appium.

What is the latest version of Appium for Mac?

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Appium Latest Version (1.16. 0.

How do I install Appium on my desktop?

To get started with Appium Desktop installation, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit the official Appium site.
  2. Click on the Download Appium button.
  3. The Download button redirects the user to the GitHub page.
  4. From the GitHub page, Windows users need to download the .exe file and Mac users need to download the .dmg file.

How do I install WebDriverAgent Appium on my Mac?

Go to Preferences > Accounts. Click Add (+) to add your developer’s Apple ID. Open Finder and type appium-webdriveragent to quickly search for the folder. In the opened folder, double-click the WebDriverAgent.

How do I know if Appium is installed on my Mac?

Install Node (We need this for parallelization)

  1. Open a terminal and run $ brew install node .
  2. Test install by running $ npm –version . Verify version 5.3. X or greater is returned.
  3. Test Node is installed by running $ node -v . Verify version 8.5. X or greater is returned.
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How do I update Appium on my Mac?

7 Answers

  1. Check checkbox from appium settings GUI for “Check for Updates”
  2. Close Appium GUI and re-launch again OR.
  3. You will get a push/pop up as new market version released for Appium.
  4. Click on upgrade pop up and follow simple steps to upgrade.

Where is Appium node on Mac?

You can find it in the following directories:

  1. If you installed Appium Desktop: /Applications/
  2. If you installed Appium via Node.js: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-webdriver.

How do I update my Appium desktop Mac?

To update appium GUI version, uninstall the older version and then download the latest version from and install. To update the command line version run, npm install -g appium. It will automatically take the latest version and install it.

How do I find Appium version on Mac?

Appium Version from command line

  1. amesandy April 15, 2016, 3:04pm #1. How can I see the appium version from Command line?
  2. Aleksei April 15, 2016, 3:48pm #2. Start appium in command line.
  3. aakash_jaiswal1 January 16, 2018, 6:38am #3. Open terminal and type appium -v (You will get the version of Appium)
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How do I find Appium doctor on Mac?

What is Appium Doctor??

  1. Download Appium doctor node module using below commands. npm install appium-doctor -g.
  2. Now to use Appium doctor node module use below command. appium -doctor –android ( in case of windows) appium-doctor –ios (in case of MAC)
  3. If everything is fine we will be getting a message like below.