
How do I prepare for NDA written exam?

How do I prepare for NDA written exam?

In this article, we have mentioned some important preparation tips & tricks to crack NDA Examination:

  1. Schedule your Study Plan Smartly.
  2. Your Basics Should Be Clear.
  3. Focus on General Knowledge and English Subject.
  4. Study Material.
  5. Solve Previous Year Question Papers.
  6. Health Maintenance and Personality.
  7. Revision.

Is NDA is a tough exam?

The NDA exam is difficult; however, it is not so difficult if the candidates start preparing from an early stage. If the students get to start the preparation just after the board exams then the chances of their success are far better. The right kind of books and study material also help them in their preparation.

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Is NDA hard than IIT?

Entrance Exam NDA and IIT, both are considered among the toughest exams in India. Most of the students who sat for both the exams confessed that cracking NDA written exam is much easier than IIT.

How easy is the NDA written exam compared to school exams?

Simple, if you find school exams easy to solve, then you are progressing in the right direction. Usually, the pre-board or other exams organised by schools are prepared according to average students, so they are fairly easy compared to NDA written exam.

What is the last date for receipt of applications for NDA?

Last date for receipt of applications is 30.06.2017. Less than 1\% of the people who apply for NDA clears the written exam. This fact is enough to shake the confidence of aspirants preparing. By any means, it is not easy at all, so be prepared to endure the hardship of life before starting your quest to crack NDA written exam.

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When will the notification of NDA & NA exam(II) 2017 start?

The notification of NDA & NA EXAM (II), 2017 will start from 07.06.2017. Last date for receipt of applications is 30.06.2017. Less than 1\% of the people who apply for NDA clears the written exam.

How to crack the SSB interview of the NDA in first attempt?

Following are the important tips and tricks to crack the SSB Interview of the NDA exam in the first attempt. Keep yourself updated with multidisciplinary skills for various Tests Stay updated with the Current Affairs to face the relevant questions Develop the level of confidence and oratory skills to perform better