
How do I see node js application performance?

How do I see node js application performance?

js technology, it has become crucial to monitor the performance of the applications, servers, and other metrics….Express Status Monitor

  1. Run npm install express-status-monitor –save command.
  2. Then before adding any middleware or router, run app.use(require(‘express-status-monitor’)());
  3. Run the server and go to /status.

How do I optimize node app?

Other common practices that you should also consider include:

  1. Using the latest stable Node. js updates.
  2. Load balancing.
  3. Memory optimization.
  4. CPU profiling.
  5. Node. js timers to schedule tasks.
  6. Prioritize access to local variables.
  7. Avoid using too much memory.
  8. Eliminate unused components of . js libraries.

Is go faster than node js?

js is an interpreted language based on JavaScript, it is a bit slower than other compiled languages. Whereas Golang is light-weighted and faster than Node. js as it is based on the characteristics of C & C++. So we can say that in terms of raw performance of CPU and memory bound tasks, Golang is a better option.

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How do I list npm packages?


  1. Use the npm list to show the installed packages in the current project as a dependency tree.
  2. Use npm list –depth=n to show the dependency tree with a specified depth.
  3. Use npm list –prod to show packages in the dependencies .
  4. Use npm list –dev to show packages in the devDependencies .

How do you clean unused node modules?

Steps to Remove unused packages from Node.js

  1. First, remove the npm packages from packages.
  2. To remove any specific node package run the command npm prune
  3. run the npm prune command to remove unused or not required node packages from Node.js.

How bad is Nodejs?

However, there is a downside to Node. js being single-threaded. The single-threaded implementation makes Node a bad choice for CPU-intensive programs. Unlike in a multi-threaded program, where one thread can be doing the CPU-intensive task and others can handle arriving requests, a Node.