
How do I unlink my old card from PayPal?

How do I unlink my old card from PayPal?

From the list of payment options in the menu on the left side of your screen, click on the card you want to remove. 4. A menu with your card information will appear. Scroll down and click “Remove card” at the bottom of the menu.

Why does PayPal say my card is linked to another account when its not?

If you’ve tried to link your credit or debit card to your PayPal account but received an error message, it can be for several reasons: Your card is linked to another PayPal account. Your credit card or your company card did not accept the $1.00 authorization sent by PayPal when you attempted to add the card.

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Can I reactivate my old PayPal card?

No, once it’s cancelled it’s cancelled. There’s no way to reactivate it, which really sucks.

How do I link my PayPal card to my PayPal account?

A. To add your PayPal Prepaid Card as a funding source to your PayPal Account you must log-in to your PayPal Account at and add the card to your funding sources.

How do I change my debit card number on PayPal?

  1. Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Click ‘Profile’ near the top of the page.
  3. Click ‘Add/Edit Credit Card. ‘
  4. You will see a list of your registered debit and credit cards. Beside the card you wish to change Click ‘edit’ or ‘remove credit/debit card’

Can you use the same debit card on two PayPal accounts?

You can use the same card BUT you needed to have removed it from your previous paypal accounts first. Does not matter if the account is active or not, if that card or bank account remains on that other paypal account then you can’t use it on another.

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What happens if money is sent to a closed PayPal account?

What happens if money is sent to a closed PayPal account? – Quora. Upon Account closure, PayPal will cancel any pending transactions and you will forfeit any Balances associated with Redemption Codes, unless otherwise legally prohibited. You must withdraw your Balance prior to closing your Account.