
How do I update a specific node module?

How do I update a specific node module?

2 Answers

  1. Use [p]npm|yarn outdated to see which modules have newer versions.
  2. Use [p]npm update|yarn upgrade (without a package name) to update all modules.

How do I update npm packages?


  1. Install the tool npm install -g npm-check-updates.
  2. Verify that your package.json is checked in to version control (the next command will overwrite the package.json)
  3. Update the package.json ncu –upgrade.
  4. Validate the changes to your package.json.
  5. Install the new packages npm install.

How do I update to the latest version of node?

There are two simple ways to upgrade:

  1. Download the latest Node. js release from its official download page and install the new Node. js release.
  2. Install the n module and update Node. js inside the terminal window.

How do I install a specific version of Nodejs?

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Step 2: For installing the previous version of Node use the following command:

  1. In windows: npm install -g node@version. Example: npm install -g [email protected].
  2. In linux: sudo apt-get install nodejs=version-1chl1~precise1. Example: sudo apt-get install nodejs=10.9.0-1chl1~precise1.

How do I update react to latest version?

To update an existing project to a new version of react-scripts , open the changelog, find the version you’re currently on (check package.json in this folder if you’re not sure), and apply the migration instructions for the newer versions.

How do I change node version in Windows?

In nvm you can install all node version, and you can change it very easy. 🙂 Uninstall and reinstall nvm. Make sure to do this before reinstalling: Uninstall existing node Please note, you need to uninstall any existing versions of node.

How do I install a specific version of NPM?

Use npm list [package-name] to know the specific latest version of an installed package. Use npm install [package-name]@[version-number] to install an older version of a package. Prefix a version number with a caret (^) or a tilde (~) to specify to install the latest minor or patch version, respectively.

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How do I install a specific version of a reactor?

  1. yarn install specific version.
  2. composer install package with specific version.
  3. downgrade npm package to specific version.
  4. npm install different version.