
How do I update my PSP via USB?

How do I update my PSP via USB?

If you used your PSP, eject the PSP from the PC and unplug the USB cable (leave the AC adapter plugged in). Navigate to the PSP’s System menu and select System Update. Select Update via Storage Media to start the update. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Game menu and select the memory card and then the update.

How can I update my PSP without Internet?

Connect your PSP to a wireless network. Your PSP will need to be connected to the network in order to download the update files. If you don’t have a wireless internet connection, you can update your PSP using your computer.

How do I connect my PSP to my computer via USB?

Plug the larger end of the USB cable into a USB port on your computer. Turn on your computer and the PSP if they are not already turned on. Locate the “Settings” menu on your PSP and select ‘USB Connection.” On the PSP’s main menu (know as XMB [Cross Menu Bar]) select left-most menu, the “Settings” column.

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What is the latest PSP software version?

The current version of the software, 6.61, was made available on January 15, 2015….PlayStation Portable system software.

Developer Sony Computer Entertainment
Source model Closed source
Initial release December 12, 2004 (as 1.00)
Latest release 6.61 / January 15, 2015

How do I download PSP software?


  1. Download the latest firmware version to your computer.
  2. Connect your PSP to your computer with a USB, or insert your Memory Stick Duo.
  3. Open the “PSP” folder on your PSP or Memory Stick Duo.
  4. Open the “GAME” folder in the PSP folder.
  5. Create a new folder called “UPDATE”.

What USB does PSP use?

The PSP uses a 5 pin Mini-B USB port. Any USB cable that fits this spec will work.

What type of USB does a PSP use?

Is it hard to hack a PSP?

Unfortunately, Sony has had other plans for their handheld, and has released dozens of firmware updates and several hardware revisions to make it harder to hack the PSPs handheld. As such, there’s no one hack that works on all PSP, and in fact some PSPs are completely unhackable.