
How do the energy changes in nuclear reactions compare to those in chemical reactions?

How do the energy changes in nuclear reactions compare to those in chemical reactions?

Chemical reaction can be influenced by pressure or temperature. Nuclear reaction is independent of such factors. During such reactions there is low energy change. Energy changes accompanying nuclear reactions are relatively higher and larger.

Why more energy is released in nuclear reactions than in chemical reactions?

The protons and neutrons inside of the nucleus are held together by the strong nuclear force, which balances the repulsion of the Coulomb force between the protons. The weak force balances the number of neutrons and protons. Unstable nuclei release energy, usually a lot more energy than a chemical reaction.

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What is the difference between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction?

Nuclear reactions involve a change in an atom’s nucleus, usually producing a different element. Chemical reactions, on the other hand, involve only a rearrangement of electrons and do not involve changes in the nuclei.

Why does mass not change during a chemical reaction Class 9?

During a chemical reaction, atoms are neither created nor destroyed. The atoms of the reactants are just rearranged to form products. Hence, there is no change in mass in a chemical reaction.

Does the total mass change in a chemical reaction?

One of these is called the law of conservation of mass , which states that during a chemical reaction, the total mass of the products must be equal to the total mass of the reactants. In other words, mass cannot be created or destroyed during a chemical reaction, but is always conserved.

How does the mass of the products of a nuclear reaction compare to the mass of the reactants?

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Since in nuclear reactions, the mass-energy is conserved, therefore, there no mass increase from reactants to products in this reaction as well.

How will you compare the mass before and after the nuclear reaction?

In fact, every single nuclear reaction is testimony to Einstein’s theory. You may know that, in chemical reactions, mass is always conserved. The total energy (mass and energy) is the same before and after any nuclear reaction.

How are energy and mass connected during the formation of an atom?

How are energy and mass connected during the formation of an atom? Energy is absorbed, so the mass is increased. Energy is released, so the mass is increased. … Because atoms of uranium-238 have many more protons than neutrons, they attract large numbers of electrons from the surrounding environment.

What factors do not affect nuclear reactions but do affect chemical reactions?

What Factors Do Not Affect Nuclear Reactions, But Do Affect Chemical Reactions? Temperature, pressure, or the presence of a catalyst.

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Is there a change in mass during a chemical reaction?

The law of conservation of mass states that in a chemical reaction mass is neither created nor destroyed. For example, the carbon atom in coal becomes carbon dioxide when it is burned. The carbon atom changes from a solid structure to a gas but its mass does not change.