
How do you calculate rebar percentage in ETABS?

How do you calculate rebar percentage in ETABS?

How to extract reinforcement percentage from ETABS?

  1. Run your model and do concrete design.
  2. God to file → print tables → concrete frame design.
  3. Select output summery and rtf format and press OK.
  4. Save file and open the same.
  5. Copy the table and paste in excel and do the manipulation you want.
  6. Enjoy ETABS.

What is column beam capacity ratio?

ANSI/AISC 341-05 [1] suggests the strong-column weak-beam criterion to secure the ductility capacity of the SMRFs. The criterion means that the ratio of the sum of plastic flexural strengths of columns to the sum of plastic flexural strengths of beams connected at a joint should be greater than 1.0, as shown in Eq.

What is capacity ratio in ETABS?

D stands for ‘demand’ and C stands for ‘capacity’, therefore the D/C ratio is a measure of the demand on a member against its capacity. For example, if a member can support a maximum load of 100 kN (capacity) and the load it is subjected to is 80 kN (demand) the D/C ratio would be 80/100 = 0.8 .

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How do you calculate beam and column capacity?

Load Calculation of Beam

  1. 300 mm x 450 mm excluding slab thickness.
  2. Concrete Volume = 0.3 x 0.60 x 1 =0.138m³
  3. Concrete weight = 0.138 x 2400 = 333 kg.
  4. Steel weight (2\%) in Concrete = = 0.138 x 0.02 x 7850 = 22 kg.
  5. Total Column weight= 333 + 22 = 355 kg/m = 3.5 KN/m.

What is Mu2 and Mu3 in Etabs?

Design Mu2 and Mu3 are factored moments which result from the higher of governing load combinations or Mumin. Capacity moment (maximum probable moment) is for columns defined as special seismic.

What is Delta NS factor in ETABS?

Non-sway Moment Magnification Factor (δns) is considered when the slenderness of a column predominantly depends on the gravity load effect. The increase of dead and live load is directly influenced by this type of slenderness behavior. The moment and the load data are collected from the ETABS software calculation.