
How do you change a sentence into interrogative?

How do you change a sentence into interrogative?

Complete answer: By placing the verb before the subject, a declarative sentence can be transformed into an interrogative. If there are two verbs in a declarative sentence, it can be modified into an interrogative by placing the subject between the two verbs.

What are five examples of interrogative sentences?

Here are 5 Interrogative Sentences Examples;

  • Who is coming to the play?
  • When do you intend to move here?
  • How kind of school do you want to study at?
  • How did you get here alone?
  • How do you manage to laugh like this?

How do you change an assertive sentence to an interrogative sentence?

If we find that there is no helping verb in the assertive sentence, we will write interrogative sentence using “Do/Does/Did”. FOR EXAMPLE: Assertive: They play cricket. Interrogative: Do they not play cricket?

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How do you change an interrogative sentence into an indirect speech?

Interrogative sentences beginning with an auxiliary verb are changed into the indirect speech by using the connective if or whether. The reporting verb said (or any other word used as the reporting verb) changes to asked, queried, questioned, demanded of or enquired of in the indirect speech.

What is the rule of interrogative?

An interrogative sentence asks a question, and it always ends with a question mark. (It’s basically just a fancy name for a question.) (In other sentence types, the subject comes before the verb.)

Do not disturb me change into interrogative sentence?

Answer : The following interrogative sentence can be formed from the given sentence ‘Do not disturb me. ‘ : Will you stop disturbing me?

How do you answer an interrogative sentence?

There are three basic question types and they are all interrogative sentences:

  1. Yes/No question: the answer is “yes or no”, for example: Do you want dinner? (No thank you.)
  2. Question-word (WH) question: the answer is “information”, for example:
  3. Choice question: the answer is “in the question”, for example: