
How do you enchant a stick in Minecraft with bedrock commands?

How do you enchant a stick in Minecraft with bedrock commands?

The data command isn’t available in Bedrock Edition/Pocket Edition. You can mod any enchantment using the Minecraft Universal Editor. The easiest way is to put a enchanted sword and the not enchanted stick in a chest. Go into the Editor, search the chest and copy the enchantment over to your stick.

What enchantments can you put on a stick in Minecraft bedrock edition?

This is not currently possible on the Bedrock Editions of Minecraft. The player already holds the stick or blaze rod in the same way as they would hold other tools and melee weapons, so it only seems fitting. Enchantments like Sharpness or Fire Aspect for example, would fit on a stick or blaze rod.

How do you enchant non weapons in bedrock?

Just go into creative mode, take an enchanted book (Or enchant a book to get it), place it in an anvil together with the item and bam!

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Can you still enchant sticks?

The /enchant command respects all normal enchantment rules, regardless of the gamemode of the player. Even though you can make an Efficiency V stick with an anvil in creative mode, you cannot do it using the /enchant command.

Can You enchant blocks in Minecraft Bedrock?

Enchantment to Everything in Minecraft Bedrock Back on the legacy versions of Minecraft, (Xbox One Edition, PS4 Edition, Nintendo Switch Edition, and older versions too) we were able to enchant any item in the game, including blocks and items such as sticks.

How do I enchant a blank Blaze rod or stick?

Blaze Rods and Sticks should be enchantable via Anvil as with other weapons using weapon-based enchantment books. This is not currently possible on the Bedrock Editions of Minecraft.

Is there a way to give enchanted items?

As of 1.1.3, there is no way you can use the /give command to give already enchanted items as you can’t edit the NBT tag. However, you could connect the button to multiple command blocks. One of them would say /give @p diamond_sword. The other ones would say /enchant @p smite 2 and /enchant @p knockback 2.