
How do you exit an if statement in UFT?

How do you exit an if statement in UFT?


  1. Exit Do.
  2. Exit For.
  3. Exit Function.
  4. Exit Property.
  5. Exit Sub.

How do I close UFT after execution?

Under the Remote Agent Settings dialog, click on the Keep UFT open after a Test Lab run session ends option.

What is microfocus UFT one?

Micro Focus UFT One accelerates and sim- plifies end-to-end functional testing with one intelligent solution that builds and automates tests for enterprise apps using embedded AI- based capabilities.

How do I download UFT trial version?

Step by step instructions to download and install UFT 15.0. 2

  1. Go to UFT download location.
  2. Fill in your required details and click Start Free Trial!
  3. You will be redirected to a Thank You page.
  4. Click the Download button.
  5. It will take you to UFT One Downloads page.
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Which of the following statement is used to exit from the function?

The end statement is the last line of the program or function. The stop or return statements are used for normal termination and exit is used for abnormal termination.

How do I close an application in UFT?

2- CloseProcessById

  1. Sub CloseProcessById_Example()
  2. ‘The following example retrieves the process ID of the Notepad ‘window, and then uses the CloseProcessByID method to close the ‘notepad application.
  3. PID = Window(“Notepad”).GetROProperty(“process id”)
  4. SystemUtil.CloseProcessById (PID)
  5. End Sub.

What is UFT agent?

Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Agent is a browser extension that automatically tests web applications on browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. This utility can accelerate software testing for Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) and Application Programming Interfaces (API).

What is the difference between UFT one and UFT developer?

UFT One (previously known as UFT) is more “tester friendly”, it uses VBScript for the test’s code but it has a much richer feature set and is more established in the testing community.

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How do I set up UFT?

How to Download and Install UFT or QTP [Latest Version]

  1. Step 1) Go to
  2. Step 2) In the next screen, you will see a message registration was successful.
  3. Step 3) Check your Inbox and confirm your email.