
How do you get a title sir in India?

How do you get a title sir in India?

“If conferred an honorary knighthood, the title ‘Sir’ can only be used by someone who is a citizen of a ‘Commonwealth Realm’, i.e., a state such as Australia, New Zealand and West Indies that recognises the Queen as head… Indians can neither use the title nor want to seek it.”

Has any Indian got knighthood?

Hiralal Phukan -1917(A.D.) Received Order of British India First Class in Delhi Durban. For fighting courageous in the Second World War. And, also received the Indian Recruiting Badge.

How do you address a Sir wife?

The wife of a knight may use the courtesy title of “Lady” before her surname, provided she uses her husband’s surname. For example, the wife of Sir John Smith is: Lady Smith.

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Why do people say sir all the time in India?

Answer to this question is hidden in the history of India, As India was a colony of Britain, and was been ruled for 200 year, it is more likely that, people have adopted the culture of being slave and saying Sir all the time when ever they visit any public office. Moreover, In Europe, Sir was a title/prefix given to Knight’s/officers ]

Why don’t people like to be called Sir?

Thus, we don’t like to be called “Sir” because it makes us feel old. And inside, we’re still that young buck in our early to mid-twenties ready to take on the world. If you call us “Sir”, we’re suddenly as ancient as our fathers and grandfathers. Perhaps that elicits a feeling of our own mortality, shortcomings, etc.

Why is the word sir/madam used as a suffix in India?

To be exact, you can call someone’s name and put sir/madam as a suffix to cover both grounds. This all is symbolic and superficial, people don’t consider it as respect but just a default norm. Nothing serious, just BAU. Because its INDIA… here, nobody cares for the actual significance of the word and blindly adopts western ideas in their life.

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Do you need the Order of British Empire to be called Sir?

Even if you get in a taxi, the driver would call you Sir and you don’t need the Order of British Empire to be called so. It is more like a casual term to show respect to someone in general, and there are no strings attached since there are no official ‘Titles’ related to prefix ‘Sir’ in Independent India.