
How do you get the second to last digit of a number?

How do you get the second to last digit of a number?


  1. Let N be the input number.
  2. If N is a one-digit number, return -1.
  3. Set N = N / 10. This step removes the last digit of N.
  4. N \% 10 gives us the last digit of N. Since we have already removed the last digit of N in the previous step, N \% 10 is equal to the second last digit of the input number.
  5. Return N \% 10.

How do you add last two digits in Java?

Java Program to Extract Last two Digits of a given Year

  1. import java.util.Scanner;
  2. public class Extract_Digit.
  3. {
  4. public static void main(String[] args)
  5. {
  6. int x, y, i = 0;
  7. String z = “”;
  8. Scanner s = new Scanner(System. in);
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What expression produces the last digit of the number?

To find last digit of a number, we use modulo operator \%. When modulo divided by 10 returns its last digit.

What is second last number?

We first convert the number in such a way that the last digit of the base becomes 1. Second last digit of the number will simply be: Last digit of (Second last digit of base) X (Last digit of power) Let us look at few examples. Eg 1a: Second last digit of 3791768 = Last digit of 9×8 = 2.

How do I get the last digit of a number in C#?

1 Answer

  1. Declare two variables (n and lastDigit).
  2. Read the user input from the console. (int. Parse(Console. ReadLine());).
  3. Find the last digit of the number by the formula: int lastDigit = n \% (10); (Use modular division – the operator \% in C#).
  4. Print the result on the console (Console. WriteLine(lastDigit));)

How do you sum two digits in Python?

How to sum the digits of a number in Python

  1. number = 123.
  2. sum_of_digits = 0.
  3. for digit in str(number): turn to string to iterate through.
  4. sum_of_digits += int(digit)
  5. print(sum_of_digits)
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How do you find if a number is a multiple of another number in Java?

If you want to check if the integer value is a multiple of a number in Java , you can use the modulus (\%) operator . If you get the result as zero , then it is considered as multiple of a number.

How do I get the last two digits of a number in Python?

“get last 2 digits in string python” Code Answer’s

  1. >>>mystr = “abcdefghijkl”
  2. >>>mystr[-4:]
  3. ‘ijkl’
  4. >>>mystr[:-4] #to select all but last 4 characters.
  5. ‘abcdefgh’

What’s the last number before infinity?

There is no last number before infinity, because simply put, infinity isn’t a number. The most common definition of (positive) infinity is x such that x>n for all real n. Assume s is a real number and is in fact the largest real number. Consider s+1.