
How do you handle an emotional roller coaster?

How do you handle an emotional roller coaster?

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  1. Think before you act.
  2. Consider the bigger picture.
  3. Change your circumstances whenever possible.
  4. Practice radical acceptance.
  5. Take up journaling.
  6. Learn to forgive.
  7. Sit with your emotions.
  8. Practice mindfulness.

Why do I get so moody before my period?

Along with elevated estrogen and progesterone levels, serotonin levels in your brain may change as your menstrual period approaches. Serotonin is a brain chemical that’s responsible for mood, and it could be linked to some of the mood-related changes that are common in the days before and during your period.

Why am I on an emotional rollercoaster?

Those who are struggling with mental illness, such as bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder, will undergo extreme shifts in mood. It’s a common culprit behind severe mood fluctuations and a roller coaster of emotions. Expect bouts of extreme sadness or angry outbursts.

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How can I control my emotions at work?

10 Strategies to manage negative emotions at work

  1. Compartmentalisation (when negative emotions from home affect your work)
  2. Deep breathing & relaxation techniques.
  3. The 10-second rule.
  4. Clarify.
  5. Blast your anger through exercise.
  6. Never reply or make a decision when angry.
  7. Know your triggers.
  8. Be respectful.

How do I treat my girlfriend on her period?

Here are some ideas to get your creativity flowing:

  1. Be patient! Don’t blame her irritability on her period, but try to understand where she’s coming from.
  2. Bring her the food she craves.
  3. Be attentive.
  4. Give her a massage.
  5. Give her space.

Why do I love my boyfriend more on my period?

“Hormonally, women are more likely to be interested in sex with their partner in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle closer to ovulation,” she says. “It appears to happen as a result of the hormonal surges around this time of the month.

How can I calm my emotions?

Here are some helpful, actionable tips you can try the next time you need to calm down.

  1. Breathe.
  2. Admit that you’re anxious or angry.
  3. Challenge your thoughts.
  4. Release the anxiety or anger.
  5. Visualize yourself calm.
  6. Think it through.
  7. Listen to music.
  8. Change your focus.