
How do you list a company name on a resume?

How do you list a company name on a resume?

How to include a company name change on your resume

  1. List current company name followed by its previous name.
  2. Include old company name and date of merger or acquisition.
  3. List a series of positions, include new company name and date of merger or acquisition.

How do you put independent contractor on resume?

Here are six steps you can follow to include independent contracting work on your resume:

  1. Give yourself a title.
  2. Link your portfolio.
  3. Highlight your experience in a summary statement.
  4. Choose which projects to include.
  5. Group smaller projects together.
  6. List your skills.

How do you show consulting on a resume?

If it was a short-term position, list the consulting agency, then the client you worked for. Clearly display your job title, including the fact that it was a contract job placement if needed. Make sure to highlight your job duties and your accomplishments as well as how long you were with the company.

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Can I put working for family business on resume?

It’s not necessary to include every place you’ve worked on your resume. You should include your family business on your resume when (A) It includes experience relevant to the position you’re applying to (B) It’s the last job you worked at.

Where do you put consulting on a resume?

This approach is the closest to the standard approach. List the staffing firm you work with as the “umbrella” company, then underneath write the consulting jobs you’ve completed. Another strategy to list all of your consulting jobs in chronological order under the heading “Consulting Jobs.”

Should you put your small business on your resume?

Don’t leave out the things you’ve learned from your side hustles in the skills section. As long as they are relevant to the position you’re applying to, you should always include them. This is why it makes sense to have the side hustle or accomplishments section on your resume as well.