
How do you make a foam explosion safe?

How do you make a foam explosion safe?

You only need a few materials to make a foam volcano.

  1. 1/2 cup of liquid hydrogen peroxide.
  2. 10 drops of liquid food coloring.
  3. 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap.
  4. 1 packet of dry yeast.
  5. A 16-ounce plastic soda or water bottle OR a bucket that size.
  6. A small cup to hold your yeast and at least 3 tablespoons of warm water.

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide?

The potassium iodide is added, and the iodide ion that’s part of that compound attracts the oxygen in the hydrogen peroxide, breaking the bonds and rapidly transforming the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

What is Devil’s toothpaste?

What is devil toothpaste? Elephant toothpaste is like the baby version of devil toothpaste because they both have the same foamy look. However, devil toothpaste is a mass explosion that requires a catalyst like potassium iodide or yeast, hydrogen peroxide, and soap to get started. This makes the reaction colossal.

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How do you make a foam explosion without yeast?

Pour 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide solution, 1/4 cup dishwashing soap, and a few drops of food coloring into the bottle. Swish the bottle around to mix the ingredients. Set the bottle in a sink or outdoors or some other place where you won’t mind getting wet foam everywhere.

How do you make instant foam?

Here’s How: Carefully pour the hydrogen peroxide into the plastic soda bottle. Add 10 drops of food coloring to the plastic soda bottle. Add 1 T. of dish soap to the plastic soda bottle, and swirl the bottle around to mix everything up.

How do you make monster foam?

Pour some liquid soap and dye into the cylinder and add 100 mL 30\% hydrogen peroxide solution. Mix thoroughly. Quickly add 50 mL saturated potassium permanganate solution. Observe the rapid formation of foam!