
How do you make a while loop in Python using multiplication tables?

How do you make a while loop in Python using multiplication tables?

“multiplication table of a number using while loop python” Code Answer

  1. a=int(input(“enter table number”))
  2. b=int(input(“enter the number to which table is to printed”))
  3. i=1.
  4. while i<=b:
  5. print(a,”x”,i,”=”,a*i)
  6. i=i+1.

How do you print a table in Python with function?

Python Program to print the Multiplication table (By using format() function)

  1. # taking input of the number of which you want multiplication table.
  2. num = int(input(“Enter a number: “
  3. # using for loop to print the table.
  4. for i in range(1,11):
  5. # printing the table using format() function.
  6. print(“{0:<3d} X {1:3d} = {2:<3d}”.

What is a list in Python?

A list is a data structure in Python that is a mutable, or changeable, ordered sequence of elements. Each element or value that is inside of a list is called an item. Just as strings are defined as characters between quotes, lists are defined by having values between square brackets [ ] .

How do you make a table in Python?

How to Easily Create Tables in Python

  1. install tabulate.
  2. import tabulate function.
  3. list of lists.
  4. We can turn it into into a much more readable plain-text table using the tabulate function: print(tabulate(table))
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How do you create a table in Python?

Creating a table using python

  1. Establish connection with a database using the connect() method.
  2. Create a cursor object by invoking the cursor() method on the above created connection object.
  3. Now execute the CREATE TABLE statement using the execute() method of the Cursor class.

What is a * in Python?

The asterisk (star) operator is used in Python with more than one meaning attached to it. For numeric data types, * is used as multiplication operator >>> a=10;b=20 >>> a*b 200 >>> a=1.5; b=2.5; >>> a*b 3.75 >>> a=2+3j; b=3+2j >>> a*b 13j.

What does list [] do in Python?

Lists are ordered sequences of elements and like other ordered containers in Python, they are indexed using a starting index of 0. To access an element in a list, we provide the index (an integer) inside square brackets ([]) as follows.

How do you use tables in Python?