
How do you refill the flamethrower in Resident Evil 2?

How do you refill the flamethrower in Resident Evil 2?

Climb the ledge, go through the door and head up the stairs to find the Supplies Storage Room. This is the room that features a puzzle involving chess piece plugs. Take the Queen Plug from the left side panel at the bottom of the stairs, and insert it into the electrical socket in the new area that’s just opened up.

Can you make fire rounds re2?

You can’t, so save them. They are really nice to have in the last area of the game.

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Where do you get the flamethrower in Resident Evil 2?

The Chemical Flamethrower can only be found in Leon’s Story and Second Run. The Regulator will allow you to burn enemies for longer periods due to reduced fuel consumption. It can be found in the Laboratory in the North Lab Area’s Nap Room, located in one of the lockers opposite the nap pods.

Where is the hiding place in Resident Evil 2?

the Police Station
The hiding place in the top picture is in the S.T.A.R.S Office on the second floor of the Police Station. The easiest way to get there is through the Main Hall to the Library, then through the Lounge and into the corridor with the Linen Room and Office.

How do you get infinite ammo in Resident Evil remake?

Beat the game with either Chris or Jill in less than five hours (total playtime) in Normal or Hard mode and you’ll be able to use the Samurai Edge, an upgraded handgun with unlimited bullets.

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Where can I buy re2 ammo?


  • Main Hall – Police Station 1F. Leon (Standard)
  • Main Hall – Police Station 1F. Claire (Standard)
  • Main Hall 2F – Police Station 2F. Leon (Standard)
  • Main Hall 2F – Police Station 2F.
  • Main Hall 2F – Police Station 2F.
  • Main Hall 2F – Police Station 2F.
  • Press Room – Police Station 1F.
  • Press Room – Police Station 1F.

Are Acid rounds good re2?

Acid Rounds do heavy damage to all enemies, albeit less than Flame Rounds. Zombies covered in acid will slough off their limbs, which is useful if the player can hit a group of them in the legs. They have an extremely high stun chance – lickers, G1, and G3 can be perpetually stunlocked by acid rounds until they die.

How do you get flame rounds in re7?

2 Flame Rounds can be made by combining Strong Chem Fluid and Solid Fuel. Combining 2 Flame Rounds with a Separating Agent will produce a Strong Chem Fluid.

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Can Claire get the Flamethrower?

Resident Evil 2: Chemical Flamethrower and Spark Shot unlock guide. First, you should be aware that you can only acquire the Spark Shot when playing Resident Evil 2 as Claire. Likewise, the Chemical Flamethrower is only for Leon’s playthrough – sorry Claire.

How do you get the Flamethrower in Resident Evil?

Find the Burner Nozzle From the Dining Room, exit through the northern door to the boardwalk. Take the boardwalk to the Water Station on the east. Collect the Burner Nozzle and an Herb from inside the Station. Make sure to grab the Psychostimulants and Lockpick from the porch while you’re outside.

How do I get to the secret room in Resident Evil 2?

Push the cabinet on the wall to reveal a hidden passage. Take that path to its conclusion, and you’ll find yourself in the Hidden Room — the place where you left the Police Station. Use the T-Bar Valve Handle to open the door back into the Main Hall.