
How do you take the perfect bong rip?

How do you take the perfect bong rip?

Pull the stem out of the hole and inhale until the smoke has exited the bong and entered your lungs. If you feel like you cannot finish it, no worries. You can take two inhales if you want, but the second one might taste a little stale. You’re doing great!

How do you take a rip?

9 Tips to Taking Huge Bongs Rips

  1. Practice Deep Breathing. When smoking a perc bong, taking slow, deep breaths is key.
  2. Finely Grind Your Dry Herb.
  3. Prevent Couching with a Mint.
  4. Cool Down the Smoke.
  5. Pay Attention to Bowl Size.
  6. Monitor Water Content.
  7. Remove the Bowl Gradually.
  8. Take a Breath at the End of the Hit.

Should I use distilled water in my bong?

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Distilled water is free of minerals, which can spot glass. And it leads to a happier bong: Because distilled water is free of minerals, your glass will stay cleaner after prolonged use. Even home-filtered water is better than tap, but any form of drinking water will spot your glass eventually.

Why is my bong harsh?

Moisturizing: One of the reasons that taking direct hits from a pipe or joint with no water filtration is so harsh is because the hits are dry. Forcing the smoke to interact with the water causes the heated water to turn into water vapor, which moisturizes the hit and makes the smoke less harsh on your lungs.

How do you stop a bong from coughing?

Avoid forcefully inhaling and exhaling. Even as you inhale deeply, do so gently. Drink water. It’s recommended to drink water before, during, and after smoking.

How do you pack a gravity bong?

Using Your Gravity Bong. Put the bottle in the container of water. The open bottom of the bottle should be at the bottom of the container, and the neck and mouthpiece of the bottle should be at the top above the water. If water is covering the mouthpiece, you’re pushing the bottle too far down in the container.

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What is the best water to use in a bong?

Ice Water If you don’t want to get too experimental with your Bong liquids, then one of the simplest and best alternatives is to simply use ice water. Ice water will make your hits feel incredibly pure and smooth- even more so than using regular water.

How do you make a bong hit hurt less?