
How do you tell if something is platinum or silver?

How do you tell if something is platinum or silver?

Silver and platinum both have gray undertones, unlike white gold which has a warmer, yellow undertone, but platinum is much brighter and shinier and silver has a duller, gray appearance. The difference in durability is really no contest between platinum, white gold and silver.

Does silver stick to a magnet?

“Silver is not noticeably magnetic, and exhibits only weak magnetic effects unlike iron, nickel, cobalt, and the like,” says Martin. “If your magnet sticks strongly to the piece, it has a ferromagnetic core and is not silver.” Fake silver or silver-plated items are generally made of other metals.

How do you test platinum with peroxide?

If the precious metal is pure platinum, the hydrogen peroxide will immediately start bubbling white. Silver is a weaker catalyst. If you don’t see bubbles immediately, leave the metal in the liquid for about a minute while watching for tiny bubbles to form around the jewellery.

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How can you test platinum at home?

The simplest tests are heating and discoloration. If the item is heated, for example, in a Bunsen flame, platinum will be more difficult or impossible to melt and the platinum will not discolour. The effect of acid is another basic test.

How can I identify platinum?

Identifying Platinum Through Visual Cues and Weight Pure platinum jewelry, or jewelry that is at least 50\% platinum, is typically marked with a stamp (also known as a hallmark). Usually, this mark will include a number like 850 followed by “plat or “pt”, which indicates the piece is 85\% pure.

Is some 925 silver magnetic?

Real sterling silver contains 92.5\% pure silver which is not magnetic. Often times, a clasp can be made of a different material that may be magnetic, but in that case it would not be sterling and should not be falsely stamped “. 925.”

How can I tell if something is platinum?

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Answer. The simplest tests are heating and discoloration. If the item is heated, for example, in a Bunsen flame, platinum will be more difficult or impossible to melt and the platinum will not discolour. The effect of acid is another basic test.