
How do you use per in a sentence?

How do you use per in a sentence?

Examples of per in a Sentence Preposition The speed limit is 35 miles per hour. The car gets 32 miles per gallon.

How do you use preposition per?

​used to express the cost or amount of something for each person, number used, distance travelled, etc. Rooms cost £50 per person, per night.

What does it mean to say as per?

Definition of as per : in accordance with : according to as per your instructions. as per usual. : in the accustomed or habitual way : as usual As per usual I tried to see into Myra’s mind and as per usual I got nowhere at all.—

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Can you say per person?

Per person, not per someone, means ‘for each person (per means for each). Two per person = two each.

What does Per mean in a letter?

They signed their name, then wrote “per”, which means “for”. It’s a standard way of indicating you are signing on behalf of the person who is sending the letter.

How do you use per request in a sentence?

Examples: We have delivered your ordered as per your request. Sir,Your room is arranged as per your request. I’ve cooked your favourite Pasta as per your request.

Is per say a word?

“per say” correct, everyone! It’s not Latin itself that trips people up, per se, but it’s the spelling of the dead language. When interwoven with our everyday speech, Latin usage sometimes allows us to say our ideas in a more sophisticated tone, but this sophistication crumbles if we spell it “per say.”

How do you use per And as per?

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According to Oxford dictionary, per is a preposition and means: for each and by means of. While as per is a phrase, which means in accordance with.

How do you use per in email?

If you’re following up after a meeting, for example, you might email a colleague: “Per our conversation earlier, I will contact the vendor and get a quote for 35 computer monitors.” As you can see from the example above, “per our conversation” could easily be replaced by “as we discussed earlier” or “as we agreed.”

What does Per mean in an email?

order by. “Per” in this case means “according to”, taken from the Latin word per which meant “per : (+ acc.)