
How do you use Roger that?

How do you use Roger that?

To indicate a message had been heard and understood—that is, received—a service-person would answer Roger, later expanded to Roger that, with that referring to the message. In military slang, the phrase Roger wilco conveyed the recipient received the message and will comply with its orders, shortened to wilco.

Does Roger mean yes?

“I have received your last transmission satisfactorily, radio check is LOUD AND CLEAR.” “ROGER” may be used to mean “yes” with regard to confirming a command; however, in Air Traffic Control phraseology, it does not signify that a clearance has been given.

What can I say instead of Roger?

“Roger that. I’ll get it done today.”…What is another word for roger that?

indeed absolutely
I’ll say without a doubt
without doubt without question
you said it you bet
fo sho rather
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Who says Roger Roger?

Obi-Wan Kenobi
In “Roger Roger,” Obi-Wan Kenobi mentions returning to the Resolute, which was destroyed in the Clone Wars episode “Nightsisters.” This implies that the story is set before that episode.

Why do we say Roger over and out?

Before voice communication, pilots used morse code and instead of tapping out that a message was “received” they used shorthand and just tapped out “r” (short long short). But just saying “r” could lead to communication errors. So they took “Roger” from the U.S. phonetic alphabet.

Why do you say Roger?

“Roger” was “phonetic” for “R” (received and understood”. In radio communication, a “spelling alphabet” (often mistakenly called a “phonetic alphabet) is used to avoid confusion between similarly sounding letters. In the previously used US spelling alphabet, R was Roger, which in radio voice procedure means “Received”.

How do you answer Roger that?

roger that in a sentenceCaroline informs Roger that the man who shines his shoes has died. She informs Roger that his mother died that morning of a stroke. There were times when he was the real Roger that everybody knows. 11 : 42 : 34 Origel to tower : Roger that.

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What does Roger out mean?

The word for “R” was at one time “Roger,” a word that has continued to be used by pilots to mean that a message has been received and understood. “Out” means the message is complete and no reply is expected.

What is another term for 10 4?

Signals by era

Signal APCO Meaning
1940 (APCO Standards Committee) APCO Project 2 (1967)
10-4 Acknowledgement. Acknowledgement
10-5 Relay.
10-6 Busy. Busy -Stand by unless urgent