
How do you use the word clever?

How do you use the word clever?

Clever sentence example

  1. As a child he was clever and delicate.
  2. He was a clever writer and historian.
  3. You’re a clever girl and you’ll know how to manage.
  4. The clever cost savings idea of sleeping in the car didn’t sound so safe right now.
  5. He is a wise and clever fellow.

What is comparative of clever?

/ˈklevər/ (comparative cleverer, superlative cleverest) You can also use more clever and most clever.

Is it correct to say cleverer or more clever?

Two-syllable adjectives generally form their comparative with the use of more, so the correct answer is more clever.

What is the sentence of cleverer?

How To Use Cleverer In A Sentence? The lady had been cleverer than himself, and had made the best use of her time. Alice had deemed herself cleverer than she was, by long chalks, and it was not her that woke us. The clever man may be a clever rogue; and the cleverer he is, the cleverer rogue he will be.

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What is meaning of clever girl?

1 displaying sharp intelligence or mental alertness.

What kind of sentence is clever girl?

Answer: Exclamatory sentence. Explanation: Because the sentence expresses surprise.

What is the noun of clever?

The abstract noun of clever is cleverness.

Is clever a two syllable word?

Wondering why clever is 2 syllables? Contact Us!

What is the phrases of clever?

Whip away forever, oh! Drive away so clever, oh!…Phrases that contain the word clever:

clever as clever as a cartload of monkeys
too clever by half boxes clever
clever clever be too clever by half

What is the real meaning of clever?

mentally bright; having sharp or quick intelligence; able. superficially skillful, witty, or original in character or construction; facile: It was an amusing, clever play, but of no lasting value. showing inventiveness or originality; ingenious: His clever device was the first to solve the problem.

Who said clever girl?

Muldoon doesn’t need to scream, or yell. He, in a quiet, breathy voice, says just two words: “Clever girl”. This line of dialogue, paired with the incidental music, foreshadows what’s about to happen.