
How does a simple radio receiver work?

How does a simple radio receiver work?

A radio receiver is the opposite of a radio transmitter. It uses an antenna to capture radio waves, processes those waves to extract only those waves that are vibrating at the desired frequency, extracts the audio signals that were added to those waves, amplifies the audio signals, and finally plays them on a speaker.

What is a computer used for in a radio station?

Although most stations could process script., and many could make story assignments and produce newscasts, few could use computers to access remote databases, control advanced equipment functions, or provide interoffice communications.

Which of the following is the function of radio receiver?

What is the function of radio receiver? Explanation: Receiver is to detect and amplify information signal from the carrier. Transmitter is used to modulate message signal and produce radio waves. Transducer is used to convert one signal form of energy into another form.

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Why do radio receivers need AFC?

It is primarily used in radio receivers to keep the receiver tuned to the frequency of the desired station. In radio communication, AFC is needed because, after the bandpass frequency of a receiver is tuned to the frequency of a transmitter, the two frequencies may drift apart, interrupting the reception.

What is selectivity of radio receiver?

The selectivity of a radio receiver is the characteristic of the receiver which determines the extent to which the receiver is capable of distinguishing between a signal, that is a signal in a channel to which the radio receiver is tuned, and other signals, that is, signals in channels to which the receiver is not …

How are computers used in broadcasting?

The use of computer in broadcast media is now very common as news reporting, editing and dissemination are facilitee by computer. Rovers (2000) write that broadcast stations are heavily on the use of computerized information system. Something was discovered, necessitating the writing of project.

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What is a function of receiver?

The functions in communication system: Receiver : Receiver separates the message signal from the carrier signal. It reconstructs actual signal using output transducers. It is a device that converts electromagnetic signals into sound, light or electrical signals.

What is the function of AFC?

In radio equipment, Automatic Frequency Control (AFC), also called Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT), is a method or circuit to automatically keep a resonant circuit tuned to the frequency of an incoming radio signal. It is primarily used in radio receivers to keep the receiver tuned to the frequency of the desired station.