
How does an INTP Kid behave?

How does an INTP Kid behave?

Young INTPs crave independence and autonomy and will feel trapped in a controlling environment. They often love to get out on their bikes and explore the far reaches of their town. They enjoy being alone and reading books, listening to music, drawing, creating, taking things apart and putting them back together.

Are ISFJ good parents?

Often seen as ideal parents, people with the Defender personality type are able to be there for their children, but to also know that there’s more to people than meets the eye, and to respect those differences – if not always to understand them.

Are INTP good with children?

While INTPs are seen as logical, from a young age they are also very creative people. When they are children they often need to be free to explore their imagination and sense of creativity. This is something that should definitely be fostered and nurtured when they are children, for the sake of the INTPs own happiness.

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What is it like to have an ISFJ parent?

Their ISFJ parent will make them feel very safe, and this is an ideal situation for a child to grow up within. As SP children mature, they will probably have a lot of battles with their ISFJ parent. SPs need a lot of freedom and autonomy and they have a lot of dislike for rigid routines and schedules.

How do INTPs react to ESFJs?

INTPs are one of the last types to learn to regulate their instinctive responses. (Until their Fe develops, they generally react poorly to emotional situations) 6. The ESFJ parent is torn between comforting the INTP child and doing their duty by disciplining them. The ESFJ may scold and apologize by turns, which confuses the INTP even more.

What is the difference between an ISFJ and SP?

The ISFJ will naturally create schedules because they need to know what’s coming next, and this will seem unbearably restrictive to SPs. SPs also don’t have the same connection to the past, and won’t understand why their ISFJ parent insists on doing things according to rules and norms from the past.

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Are isfjs good organizers?

ISFJs are good organizers. They’re judging types, which means they prefer to organize their external world, and they do this very well. ISFJs lead with introverted sensing, which means they have a deep respect for past norms and values, so their household is likely to reflect that.