
How does Westernization influence culture?

How does Westernization influence culture?

Westernization inevitably undermines full development of indigenous cultures and traditions of non-Western people. Furthermore, it creates resentment among non-Western people toward Western values and, fosters racism and prejudice against non-Western people in Western societies.

What are the impact of western civilization in Nigeria?

The contact of the western culture with the Nigerian traditional culture brought with it many changes which have brought significant changes to the traditional marriage system. Therefore, many Nigerians have adopted church and registry marriage over the traditional marriage institutions.

How did western culture influence African culture?

Alloy (2003) holds that it is 66 IMPACT OF WESTERN CULTURE ON TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SOCIETY: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS …………………………. Dr Clifford Meesua Sibani Page 12 very clear that the traditional ways of worship has drastically changed and modernized.

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Who criticized the concept of Westernization?

Criticisms of Westernisation:- The Srinivas’s model explains the process of social change only in India which is based on the caste system. It is not useful for other societies. Though Srinivas claimed that the concept of Westernisation is “ethically neutral”, it is not really so.

What is the disadvantage of western culture?

Disadvantages: 1. Western culture is full of over smart. 2. Western culture has a few number of family restrictions and moral values.

Is Nigeria western culture?

In Nigeria, westernization is seen as the effects of western invasion and colonization on some native societies of the world which had both positive and negative impacts. Nigerians have been westernized due to their past British colonial influence and leadership which relegated the Nigerian cultures to the background.

Is western culture better than African culture?

Among several reasons, political correctness aside, most likely western culture is better than African culture just simply based on survival principles: African culture tend to be past-oriented (the young are expected to devote their productive years caring for the now unproductive elder), while western culture is …