
How effective were the Viet Cong as a fighting force?

How effective were the Viet Cong as a fighting force?

For destroying armored vehicles or bunkers, the Vietcong had highly effective rocket propelled grenades and recoilless rifles. Mortars were also available in large numbers and had the advantage of being very easy to transport. Many weapons, including booby traps and mines, were homemade in villages.

Did Viet Cong use SKS?

The Viet Cong were pretty effective with the SKS while they were using it. The Viet Cong started out using a variety of older military weapons mostly abandoned French weapons from the French Indochina War. These were gradually replaced with surplus Chinese and Russian weapons provided by China – including the SKS.

What guns did the NVA use in the Vietnam War?

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The North Vietnamese Army forces did not use tanks in large numbers. The N.V.A. relied on the Soviet-made T-54/55 as one of their main battle tanks. Fitted out with a 100mm, turret-mounted main gun, the T54/55 fired anti-armor and high explosive rounds at a range of about 16,000 yards.

How effective was the SKS?

In its intended role as a main battle rifle, the SKS is quite capable in the hands of a well-trained user. It has the ability to fire around 40 to 45 rounds per minute and, even with its crude military sights, place shot groups of around 8 centimeters at 100 meters.

Where was the SKS rifle used?

The SKS Rifle is a semi-automatic rifle that was designed in the Soviet Union and used in Vietnam by Communist forces….SKS Rifle.

Cartridge 7.62×39mm
Action Short stroke gas piston, tilting bolt, self-loading
Rate of fire Semi-automatic

What is difference between Viet Cong and NVA?

Viet Cong is a slang term for the National Liberation Front in South Vietnam, an armed group supporting the overthrow of the South Vietnamese government. The NVA was the North Vietnamese Army- they were a regular military unit with the direct backing of the North Vietnamese government.

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Are SKS accurate?

However, since we’re splitting hairs to come up with a superior rifle, the SKS is slightly more accurate than most AK rifles. Certainly, Molot-made Vepr carbines are able to squeeze more accuracy from the platform, but for the vast majority of shooters the SKS will be slightly more accurate.

Is the Russian SKS a good gun?

Overall the SKS is a fine rifle and, while there is not significant usage of it in hunting, the SKS excels in target shooting and home defense. Its common nickname as the “poor man’s AK” is incredibly unfitting; the SKS-45 is a weapon excellent in stature and potency.