
How far can a 11 7 8 I joist span?

How far can a 11 7 8 I joist span?

According to TJI’s span table, switching to deeper 11-7/8 inch joists (a nominal 2×12), even when spaced at 19.2 inches on-center, enable you to go as long as 17 feet, 4 inches and still achieve L/480.

What is the maximum span for a 2×8 floor joist?

Max. Live Load 30 lbs/ft2 (1436 N/m2)

Maximum Span (ft – in)
Nominal Size (inches) Joist Spacing Center to Center (inches) Lumber Grade
2 x 8 12 15′ – 10″
16 14′ – 5″
24 12′ – 4″

What is the span for a 2×6 floor joist?

2-grade 2×6 joists can span up to 10 feet 9 inches from beam to beam when spaced the standard 16 inches apart with a maximum live load of 30 inches per square foot.

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What is the longest span for floor joists?

A floor joist can span nearly 26′ in the most extreme cases. A select douglas fir 2×12 supporting a 30 psf live load and 10 psf dead load, spaced at 12” will have the greatest span length.

What size is a floor joist in residential construction?

Floor joists range from 2×8 to 2×12. It is less common to see joists that are 2×6, even though they are included in joist span tables. Older homes are more likely to use 2×6 for joist framing.

Will a 2×8 span 12?

In general, a 2×8 will span 1.5 x 8, so 12-feet.

How long can a 2×10 floor joist span?

Douglas fir 2-by-10 joists graded as “Structural Select” allows joist spans up to 21 feet for a live load of 30 pounds per square foot when spaced 12 inches apart, 19 feet 1 inch for 16 inch spacing and 16 feet 8 inches for 24 inch spacing.

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What is the load bearing capacity of a wood 2×6?

According to the Codes, a 2×6 on edge with the weight pressing through 5.5” of wood will support approximately 53lbs per linear foot. So, an 8-foot length will support about 424lbs. However, a short span 2×6 on edge can support between 600 and 900lbs depending on wood species, grade, and other factors.