
How far north does the Southern accent go?

How far north does the Southern accent go?

This accent’s most prominent features are typically heard throughout the Deep South (states like Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi) up to Kentucky, Virginia, and even as far north as West Virginia and Southern Ohio.

Where do people speak with a southern accent?

This is the classic Southern Drawl you hear on TV and movies based in the American South. It’s spoken slowly and has elongated vowels (e.g. “drahwer” instead of “drawer”). You’ll generally hear this in states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia.

Where does the deep Southern accent come from?

The older Southern dialects thus originated in varying degrees from a mix of the speech of these and later immigrants from many different regions of the British Isles, who moved to the American South in the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as perhaps the English, creole, and post-creole speech of African and African- …

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Where does the northern accent start?

In historical linguistics, the dividing line between North and Midlands runs from the River Ribble or River Lune on the west coast to the River Humber on the east coast. The dialects of this region are descended from the Northumbrian dialect of Old English rather than Mercian or other Anglo-Saxon dialects.

How many Northern accents are there?

According to Alexander Barratta, a lecturer in Manchester, there are three varieties: broad, posh, general, and “most people generally have an intuitive notion of what constitutes these three varieties.” The difference between the Mancunian and Scouse accent is the pitch.

Why do Northerners say us?

One incarnation of using “we” in a singular way is to show solidarity with someone perceived to be experiencing trouble. “We” and “us” mean the same thing, like “I” and “me” mean the same thing. It’s just a matter of where in the sentence you are speaking about “you (all) and I/me.”

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Where are southern accents the strongest?

Originally Answered: Where is the Southern accent strongest? The American Southern Accent is strongest wherever a person from the Southern US is speaking outside the South.