
How is Hive different from Pig?

How is Hive different from Pig?

Pig is a Procedural Data Flow Language. Hive is a Declarative SQLish Language.

What is the difference between Pig and SQL?

Apache Pig Vs SQL Pig Latin is a procedural language. SQL is a declarative language. In Apache Pig, schema is optional. We can store data without designing a schema (values are stored as $01, $02 etc.)

What is pig discuss different data types in pig?

Pig Data Types

Type Description Example
Int Signed 32 bit integer 2
Long Signed 64 bit integer 15L or 15l
Float 32 bit floating point 2.5f or 2.5F
Double 32 bit floating point 1.5 or 1.5e2 or 1.5E2

What are the benefits of Apache Hive Pig over map reduce?

Hive is better suited for ad-hoc queries, but its main advantage is that it has engine that stores and partitions data. But its tables can be read from Pig or Standard MapReduce. One more thing, Hive and Pig are not well suited to work with hierarchical data.

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What is the difference between hive and sqoop?

Sqoop is used to import/export data from RDBMS to HDFS and Hive is a SQL layer abstraction on top of Hadoop. You can use Sqoop for importing data into HDFS and then use Hive for querying.

What is the difference between pig and Hive?

1. Pig operates on the client side of a cluster. Hive operates on the server side of a cluster. 2. Pig uses pig-latin language. Hive uses HiveQL language. 3. Pig is a Procedural Data Flow Language. Hive is a Declarative SQLish Language. 4. It was developed by Yahoo.

What is Hive and how does Facebook use it?

Facebook played an active role in the birth of Hive as Facebook uses Hadoop to handle Big Data. Hadoop uses MapReduce to process data. Previously, users needed to write lengthy, complex codes to process and analyze data. Not everyone was well-versed in Java and other complex programming languages.

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What are the advantages of using Apache Hive?

Apache Hive works well when it comes to processing data stored in a distributed manner, unlike SQL which requires strict adherence to schemas while storing data. There are lots of functions in Hive which can be directly used makes your work easy.

What is the use of a hive in Hadoop?

Hive is built on the top of Hadoop and is used to process structured data in Hadoop. Hive was developed by Facebook. It provides various types of querying language which is frequently known as Hive Query Language.