
How is impulse and impulsive force related?

How is impulse and impulsive force related?

Impulse is defined as the product of the force (F) acting on an object and the time of action (t). Impulse exerted on an object is equal to the momentum change of the object. Impulse is a vector quantity.

What is the difference between impulse force and momentum?

Impulse can also be stated as the integral of force acting on an object with respect to time. It basically changes the momentum of an object….

Impulse Momentum
Zero value If the force is non-constant, and reverses itself over time, it can give a zero impulse. A body has no momentum, if it is in rest.

What are impulsive forces give two examples?

Expert Answer:

  • The forces which act on bodies for a short time are called impulsive forces.
  • Examples :
  • (i) A bat hitting a ball.
  • (ii) Firing of gun.
  • (iii) Collision of two billiard balls.
  • Impulsive force is not ocnstant but varies with example.
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What is impulse force Class 11?

Impulse is defined as a force multiplied by time it acts over. For example: Tennis racket strikes a ball, an impulse is applied to the ball. The racket puts a force on the ball for a short time period.

Are impulse and force the same thing?

Force is applied to a body for a longer duration, normally more than a second. Impulse is a force that acts on a body for a short period of time. Bat hitting the ball is an example of impulse.

What is impulsive force Class 11?

An impulsive force is one that acts on an object for only a short time. An impulsive force is primarily produced in a collision that results in a change in the velocity or momentum of one or more of the objects involved in the collision.

What is impulsive force write an example involving impulsive force?

When a batsman plays a shot for six, a force acts on a ball through a bat for short interval of time. We call that force, an impulsive force. 2. When a bullet strikes a glass, an impulsive force acts on the glass.

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What is impulse force with an example?

Impulse is a certain amount of force you apply for a certain amount of time to cause a change in momentum. That is why it is F*t. For example, when you hit a ball with a cricket bat, you apply a force for a time(a very short period in this case) to cause a change (or transfer) of momentum in the ball.