
How is Romanian high school?

How is Romanian high school?

High school studies are four years in length, two compulsory (9th and 10th year), two non-compulsory (11th and 12th year). There are no exams between the 10th and the 11 years. There is also a lower frequency program taking 5 years for those wishing to attend high school after abandoning at an earlier age.

What do they call high school in Romania?

Secondary School System Secondary school education in Romania covers grade 9 through 12 or 9 to 13. High school studies lasts for 4 years with 2 compulsory years, i.e. 9th and 10th grade, and 2 non-compulsory grades- 11th and 12th.

What is the school system in Romania?

Education System in Romania

Primary Primary 1–4
Middle Lower Secondary 5–10
Secondary Secondary
Secondary Upper Secondary 11–13
Post-secondary Post Secondary School
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Which education system is hardest?

Following countries are well known for their toughest education system across the globe:

  • South Korea.
  • Japan.
  • Singapore.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Finland.

What age does school start in Romania?

age 6
Education System (for Romanian children) Compulsory schooling usually starts at age 6, with the “preparatory school year” (clasa pregătitoare) which is mandatory in order to enter the first grade. Schooling is compulsory until the tenth grade (which corresponds with the age of sixteen or seventeen).

Is homeschooling legal in Romania?

Homeschooling is legal in Romania since 2002, when it was included in the Romanian Educational Law at the request of the Romanian Home-Schooling Association. But it is only permitted for children who are unable to go to school.

Is online school legal in Romania?

Legal Status Homeschooling is legal in Romania since 2002, when it was included in the Romanian Educational Law at the request of the Romanian Home-Schooling Association.