
How is SFC fuel consumption calculated?

How is SFC fuel consumption calculated?

If the TSFC = 0.5, and we need 5000 pounds of thrust for two hours, we can easily compute the amount of fuel required. For example, 5000 pounds x 0.5 pound mass/hour/pound x 2 hours = 5000 pound mass of fuel.

What is indicated specific fuel consumption?

Specific fuel consumption is the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle for each unit of power output. A vehicle’s specific fuel consumption is more or less independent from its nitrogen oxide emissions per kilometer. The specific fuel consumption of an engine is the rate of fuel burnt to produce a unit of thrust.

How is diesel consumption measured?

Simply note down the distance travelled since the last top-up and then take a note of how much fuel it consumed to travel that distance, then divide the litres used by the kilometres travelled and multiply by 100 to calculate consumption in litres/100km.

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How is break specific fuel consumption of an engine useful for us give reasons?

Brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) is a measure of the fuel efficiency of any prime mover that burns fuel and produces rotational, or shaft power. It is typically used for comparing the efficiency of internal combustion engines with a shaft output. It is the rate of fuel consumption divided by the power produced.

What is the need of measurement of fuel consumption explain how it is measured during testing of engine?

The fuel consumption is measured on the basis of brake power or indicated power. The indicated specific fuel consumption is the fuel consumed by the engine per unit time per unit indicated power produced by the engine. It is measured as kg/kW-hr.

What is the SFC of an engine related to?

We then define specific fuel consumption (SFC) as the quantity of fuel burned in unit time required to produce a given engine output. SFC is a technical figure of merit that indicates how efficiently the engine converts fuel into power.

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What is the difference between TSFC and fuel consumption?

The fuel consumption of TSFC is “how much fuel the engine burns each hour.”. The specific of TSFC is a scientific term meaning “divided by mass or weight.”. In this case, specific means “per pound (Newton) of thrust.”.

What is specific fuel consumption (SFC) for jet engines?

We will now consider SFC for jet engines and piston engines separately. The specific fuel consumption, denoted as Cj, measures the weight flow rate of fuel (lb/hr) used for each unit of thrust (lb) produced and is a major figure of merit for engines.

How to calculate specific fuel oil consumption (sfoc)?

Detailed Specific Fuel Oil Consumption calculation for diesel engine SFOC Calculation SFOC = (Co x D x 10^6)/ (h x Pe)

How do engineers use the TSFC for a given engine?

Engineers use the TSFC for a given engine to figure out how much fuel is required for an aircraft to perform a given mission. If the TSFC = 0.5, and we need 5000 pounds of thrust for two hours, we can easily compute the amount of fuel required. For example, 5000 pounds x 0.5 pound mass/hour/pound x 2 hours = 5000 pound mass of fuel.