
How long can you stay in Portugal without paying tax?

How long can you stay in Portugal without paying tax?

According to the Portuguese tax law in force since January 2015, an individual is deemed to be resident in Portugal for tax purposes if one meets either of the following conditions: Spends more than 183 days, consecutive or not, in Portugal in any 12-month period starting or ending in the fiscal year concerned.

What happens after 10 years of NHR in Portugal?

According to the rules of non-habitual resident NHR status in Portugal, most foreign source income is exempt from Portuguese income tax for ten consecutive years, as well as income taxable in another country.

Is my pension tax free in Portugal?

Benefits for retirees Foreign pension income in Portugal is taxed at only 10\% and most double taxation agreements (DTAs) grant exclusive taxation rights on pension income to the country of residence. Furthermore, the definition of “retirement” in terms of the NHR is loose.

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What is a non-habitual resident in Portugal?

Non-habitual resident (NHR) is a special status aiming to attract professionals who carry out activities with high added value or intellectual property, who are not residents of Portugal as well as individuals benefiting from pensions earned abroad.

Who qualifies for non-habitual residency in Portugal?

Non-habitual resident status can be requested by anyone who meets three requirements. You must live abroad, not have been a resident in Portugal within the last five years and want to move to Portugal. To be considered a resident, you must remain in Portugal for 183 days a year or have your primary home there.

Who qualifies for NHR in Portugal?

How do I become a non-habitual tax resident in Portugal?

What is habitual residence in Portugal?

The term “habitual resident” means that you must have your “centre of interests” in Portugal. It also refers to permanence: a person who has been in Portugal for some time and intends to stay here for the foresee able future.