
How many betta fish can I put in a 40 gallon tank?

How many betta fish can I put in a 40 gallon tank?

You can keep 15-20 of them in 40 gallons. These extravagant fish are beautiful, active and hardy. They are quite aggressive and males should be kept on their own.

What kind of plant can I put with a betta fish?

Java ferns and Chinese evergreen are two underwater plants that work well with betta fish. If you want to try the fish bowl with plant on top method, peace lilies and philodendrons are good choices. Remove the plant from its pot and, in a big bucket full of water, carefully work all the soil away from the roots.

What is the best fish to put in a tank with a betta?

Feeder Guppies Feeder guppies are bred for food for larger fish and don’t have the bright coloring or long fins like the fancy guppy. This makes them an ideal fish to live with a betta. Guppies are also content living on their own, so adding one as a tank mate is easier than schooling fish.

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What Animals Can I put with my betta?

Best Betta Fish Tank Mates: What Fish Can Live With Bettas?

  • Cory catfish.
  • Neon and ember tetras.
  • Ghost shrimp.
  • African dwarf frogs.
  • Guppies.
  • Kuhli loaches.

Can a tank be too big for a betta?

If you put your betta in a tank that’s too small then he won’t grow to his full size. However, even in the biggest tank, they will not grow more than 3 inches in size. A tank can never be too big for your betta. Just make sure that a large tank is planted and it’s not too deep.

Is a 40 gallon too big for a betta?

A betta should have a tank that is no less than 5 gallons in size, a steady temperature of at least 78F, clean water without any chlorine/chloramines in it and regular water changes, in order to have much hope of living a normal lifespan and the quality of life it deserves.

Can I put pothos in my betta tank?

Pothos, more properly, Epipremnum, is fine to grow in a fish tank, Betta fish included. You just can’t submerge the leaves, as they will quickly die, rot and spoil the water quality.

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What is too big for a betta?