
How many calories do you burn if you jog for an hour?

How many calories do you burn if you jog for an hour?

“It’s a fairly stable number, regardless of how fast you run,” says Dr. Vigil. “If you want to burn 400 calories in one hour, you can run four miles at a leisurely 15-minute-per-mile pace. If you want to burn those same 400 calories in 30 minutes, you would need to run four miles at a brisk 7-minute-30-second pace.”

How many calories does a 30 minute jog burn?

One 30 minute run is guaranteed to burn between 200-500 calories. That’s a fantastic step forwards to your weight loss goal.

How many calories burn jogging?

If you pick up the pace to 5 mph for 30 minutes, you’ll burn 240 calories at 125 pounds, and 355 calories at 185 pounds. A brisk jog can help you burn calories and keep your heart healthy. The precise number of calories you’ll burn depends upon the length of your workout, your weight and individual factors such as muscle mass.

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What exercises burn the most calories?

Rowing machine. “The rowing action uses both the lower and upper body, which is fantastic for burning calories at the same time as working multiple muscle groups.” As with most cardio exercises, in order to increase the calorie burn, you should do bouts of high intensity mixed with periods of slower paced rowing.

Does jogging burn calories?

Calories Burned Jogging. The calories you burn during a 30-minute jog at a 5 mph pace depends on your weight — the more you weigh, the more calories you burn per minute. According to Harvard Medical School , a 155-pound individual burns roughly 298 calories, while a 185-pound person burns about 355 calories.

How many calories do you burn running 5 mph?

On a flat level surface, a 200 pound person running 5 miles will burn: 792 calories at 5mph (60 minutes), 780 calories at 6mph (50 minutes), 744 calories at 7mph (42.5 minutes), and 704 calories at 8mph (37.5 minutes).