
How many countries use Airtel?

How many countries use Airtel?

18 countries
Bharti Airtel Limited, commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian global telecommunication service company headquartered in New Delhi, India. Established in 1985, Airtel is one of the leading global telecommunications company providing services in 18 countries across Asia and Africa as of financial year 2021.

What is the full name of Vodafone?

Name. The name Vodafone comes from VOice DAta FONE (the latter a sensational spelling of “phone”), chosen by the company to “reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones”.

Does Vodafone work in USA?

No, Vodafone doesn’t exist in USA. There are three major carriers AT, Verizon and T-Mobile plus one regional carrier US Cellular. More than 100 MVNOs are are offering mobile services by using network of major carriers.

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Who is the owner of Vodafone?

Vi (mobile network)

Logo used since 7 September 2020
Type Public
Total assets ₹203,480 crore (US$27 billion) (2021)
Total equity ₹−66,963 crore (US$−8.9 billion) (2021)
Owners Vodafone Group plc (44.39\%) Aditya Birla Group (27.66\%) Private equity (27.95\%)

What is the full form of Vi India?

VI Full Form: Vodafone-Idea Vodafone-idea is the full form or meaning of VI. In 2020, two of India’s major mobile service provider companies, Vodafone and Idea, decided to come together to avoid the losses incurred constantly.

Who made Vodafone?

Gerry Whent
Ernest Harrison
Vodafone Group/Founders

Can I use Vodafone in Pakistan?

Simply enter the country where you are going. You can manage your roaming services and everything else even while traveling. With My Vodafone application, it’s easy and it’s free (including data) even abroad.

Does Vodafone work in Nigeria?

Good news. We offer Roaming for a day here, so you can use the services just like at home for a daily fee (24 hrs).

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Is Vodafone Indian?

Vodafone India (formerly Vodafone Essar Ltd, Huchison Essar Ltd) was the Indian subsidiary of UK-based Vodafone Group plc and was a provider of telecommunications services in India with its operational head office in Mumbai.

Is Vodafone available in USA?

Vodafone Americas provides hundreds of customers in the US and around the world technology and telecommunication services such as mobile, fixed, and IoT connectivity, hardware, and platforms.