
How many members of Congress are engineers?

How many members of Congress are engineers?

Five members are engineers (including Reps.

How many senators are engineers?

11 engineers (10 in the House and 1 in the Senate)

What are the professions of members of Congress?

The overwhelming majority of Members of Congress have a college education. The dominant professions of Members are public service/politics, business, and law. Most Members identify as Christians, and Protestants collectively constitute the majority religious affiliation.

What are the primary professions of Senators and Representatives 116th Congress?

Law, politics, and business are the primary occupational fields represented by Congress, but there are 16 physicians, 5 dentists, and even 3 veterinarians. Locate and access member profiles for each member of the current and previous U.S. Congress beginning with the 93rd Congress (1973-present).

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How many members serve in the House of Representatives?

There are currently 435 voting representatives. Five delegates and one resident commissioner serve as non-voting members of the House, although they can vote in committee. Representatives must be 25 years old and must have been U.S. citizens for at least 7 years. Representatives serve 2-year terms.

Who in Congress has a Phd?

Current and former cabinet members and senior administration officials

Name Party Field
James R. Schlesinger Republican Economics
John Hamre Republican International Studies
W. Michael Blumenthal Democrat Economics
Zbigniew Brzezinski Democratic Political Science

Can a congressman have another job?

Practice of Law or Other Professions, and Related Prohibitions. Under the Ethics Reform Act, Members and senior staff are prohibited from engaging in professions that provide services involving a fiduciary relationship, including the practice of law and the sale of insurance or real estate.

How many members are in the 116th Congress?

116th United States Congress
115th ← → 117th
United States Capitol (2020)
January 3, 2019 – January 3, 2021
Members 100 senators 435 representatives 6 non-voting delegates