
How many POV characters are there in ASoIaF?

How many POV characters are there in ASoIaF?

Here is their article on POV characters: POV characters (at A Wiki of Ice and Fire. There are 31 POV characters, including the published excerpts from book six.

Is Brienne a POV character?

Beginning in A Feast for Crows, some chapters are headed with a descriptive title rather than the POV character’s name, although Martin has not yet explained why….Statistics.

POV Character Brienne of Tarth
A Feast for Crows 8
A Dance with Dragons 0
The Winds of Winter 0
Number of Chapters 8

Is Tyrion in a feast for crows?

Thus A Feast for Crows only contains the POV characters from the South of the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Islands. The characters in the North, in the Free Cities and in Meereen (including fan-favourites Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen) will return in the fifth book.

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Is Asoiaf first person?

Each chapter of ASOIAF is written in the third-person limited perspective, with multiple POV characters per book. The third-person limited perspective is functionally almost identical to the first-person perspective: in both of them, we readers learn only what the POV character knows/thinks.

How many POVs are there in Game of Thrones?

9 POV characters
Even though Thrones has 9 POV characters, they’re fairly contained. Every POV character except for Daenerys and Will from the prologue starts the book in one place and time: at Winterfell.

Who has most lines in Game of Thrones?

Can you name the characters with the most lines in Game of Thrones?

# of lines Character \% Correct
957 Arya Stark 97.4\%
1035 Cersei Lannister 97.4\%
903 Sansa Stark 97.3\%
1016 Jaime Lannister 97\%