
How many sailors does a brigantine have?

How many sailors does a brigantine have?

The Brigantine has pretty much the same general characteristics as a Royal Sloop: it carries up to 20 Cannons into battle, and can hold a Crew of up to 125 men.

How big was the crew of a brig?

about 22 men
Brigs carried, on average, three whaleboats and employed a crew of about 22 men. A two-masted vessel having fore-and-aft sails on both masts. These small whaling vessels averaged 100 tons, employed less than 20 men, and made short voyages of less than a year.

How many men does it take to crew a frigate?

Many frigates now carry helicopters to aid in submarine hunting. Such a vessel displaces upward of 3,000 tons, has a top speed of 30 knots or more and carries a crew of about 200.

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How many people does it take to crew a sailing ship?

Usually a crew of a tall ship can be composed of 20-30 crew members or even more but it also depends on how much automation (if any) has been implemented in modernising the tall ship.

What was the smallest pirate ship?

The Pinnace is the smallest Ship Type, available in all incarnations of Pirates!. It is decidedly the fastest and most agile of all ship-types. On the other hand, it is also the smallest in terms of cargo capacity, is the least armed, and has the smallest crew complement of all ship types.

What are the characteristics of a barquentine?

The Barquentine has three masts and square sails on the fore and aft masts. The main mast had topmast and gaff sails. They were light and average 250 to 500 tons in weight. The Barquentine sailed the waters of Northern Europe which were dominated by variable wind speeds.

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What was the average size of a ship in the 17th century?

Most corvettes and sloops of the 17th century were around 40 to 60 ft (12 to 18 m) in length and measured 40 to 70 tons burthen. They carried four to eight smaller guns on a single deck.

What is the difference between a barquentine and A bilander?

Barkentine: A sailing ship with from three to five masts of which only the foremast is square-rigged, the others all being fore-and-aft rigged. Also spelled Barquentine. Bilander: A small two-masted merchant sailing ship, similar to a brigantine, used mainly on Dutch coastal routes and canals. Rarely larger than 100 tons burthen.

How many masts does a schooner have?

The masts allowed the ship to operate in the toughest of wind conditions. The 19th Century schooner came with two or three masts, the-one at the fore being shorter than the others. The schooner “Thomas W Lawson”had seven masts, with interchangeable sails and gear.