
How many sides does a polygon with 60 degrees have?

How many sides does a polygon with 60 degrees have?

For example, if the measurement of the exterior angle is 60 degrees, then dividing 360 by 60 yields 6. Six is the number of sides that the polygon has.

How many sides does a regular polygon have if one interior angle is 60?

The number of sides of a regular polygon if one interior angle is 60 degrees is 3 and it is an equilateral triangle.

What is a polygon called if each exterior angles equal 60 degree?

The number of sides of a regular polygon is whose exterior angle is 60 is a regular hexagon.

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How many sides does a polygon have if the sum of the measure of its interior angles is 900?

There are 7 sides.

What polygon has 60 degrees?

In geometry, a hexacontagon or hexecontagon or 60-gon is a sixty-sided polygon. The sum of any hexacontagon’s interior angles is 10440 degrees….Hexacontagon.

Regular hexacontagon
A regular hexacontagon
Type Regular polygon
Edges and vertices 60
Schläfli symbol {60}, t{30}, tt{15}

How many sides does a regular polygon have if each of its interior angle is 165?

Hence the number of sides a regular polygon has if its interior angle is 165 degrees are 24.

How many sides a regular polygon has whose each exterior angle is 45?

As each exterior angle is 45o , number of angles or sides of the polygon is 360o45o=8 .

What is a regular polygon exterior angle?

An exterior angle of a polygon is an angle at a vertex of the polygon, outside the polygon, formed by one side and the extension of an adjacent side. Exterior angles of a regular polygon are equal in measure. The magnitude of an angle can be determined by the number of sides of the polygon.

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What is the number of sides of a regular polygon with the sum of angles is 1620?

the number of sides of a regular polygon with the sum of angles as : 1620°=11 sides.