
How many solutions does a trig equation have?

How many solutions does a trig equation have?

Therefore a trig equation has an infinite number of solutions if it has any. Think about an equation like sin u = 1. π/2 is a solution, but the sine function repeats its values every 2π. Therefore π/2±2π, π/2±4π, and so on are equally good solutions.

What is the general solution of a trigonometric equation?

Trigonometric Equations and its Solutions

Trigonometrical equations General Solutions
sin θ = sin α θ = nπ + (-1)n α, where α ∈ [-π/2, π/2]
cos θ = cos α θ = 2nπ ± α, where α ∈ (0, π]
tan θ = tan α θ = nπ + α, where α ∈ (-π/2, π/2]
sin 2θ = sin 2α θ = nπ ± α

Why do many trigonometric equations have infinitely many solutions?

Because of the periodic nature of the trigonometric functions – they repeat themselves infinitely many times – the variable x can take on an infinite number of solutions.

Will there always be solutions to trigonometric equations?

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Example 5: Solving a Trigonometric Equation Involving Cosecant. Solve the following equation exactly: csc θ = − 2 , 0 ≤ θ < 4 π \displaystyle \csc \theta =-2,0\le \theta <4\pi cscθ=−2,0≤θ<4π.

Do all trigonometric equations have an infinite number of solutions?

Not all trigonometric equations have an infinite number of solutions. For example, cosx=73 has no solutions. cosx=kx has a finite number of solutions (except for k=0) whose number depends on k. For example, cosx=110x has 7 solutions.

How do you solve multiple trigonometric equations?

How to Find a Solution to a Multiple-Angle Trig Equation

  1. Divide each side by 2; then take the square root of each side.
  2. Solve for 5x, which represents the angles that satisfy the equation within one rotation.
  3. Extend the solutions to five rotations by adding 2π to each of the original angles four times.