
How many Sporlac can you take in a day?

How many Sporlac can you take in a day?

Do not swallow two doses at the same time which may dangerous to your health. Take the Sporlac DS Tablet once daily or as recommended by your doctor.

How many times can Sporlac be taken?

Directions for Use of Sporlac Strip Of 20 Tablets Take Sporlac tablets as instructed by your doctor. Do not consume it more than the quantity advised by your doctor. It would be best if you took it at a fixed time for optimal results.

Can I take Sporlac everyday?

You should not consume it more than the recommended daily dose as it may lead to side effects. You can take this medicine with or without food, as recommended by your doctor.

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Is Sporlac good for health?

A: Sporlac-DS tablet is used to restore the healthy microbial flora of the intestine. They are also useful for preventing and treating various types of diarrhoea like diarrhoea because of antibiotics and other medicines.

Is Sporlac safe while breastfeeding?

yes it is safe to take sporolac during breast feeding . sporolac DS is a probiotic and contains spores of lactobacillus bacilli a normal inhabitant of gut .

Can we give Sporlac to dogs for loose motion?

Can sporlac be used to treat loose motion? Yes, it can be used to treat diarrhea of all forms.

Can I take Vizylac daily?

Consume one Vizylac Capsule every day (or as recommended by your doctor – priority). Take the Vizylac Capsule preferably after a meal.

Is Sporlac DS safe?

Uses of Sporlac-DS Tablet It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption. This medicine is considered safe for use by a pregnant woman. However, you are advised to consult your doctor before taking this medicine. This medicine is considered safe for use by a breastfeeding woman.

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Is Sporlac an antibiotic?

Is Sporlac tablet an antibiotic? No, it is not an antibiotic medicine. It is a probiotic which contains lactobacillus (a species of bacteria) as its active ingredient.

Is Sporlac sachet safe in pregnancy?

Is Sporlac safe to use in pregnancy? Yes, it is absolutely safe to use in pregnancy. It contains lactobacillus as its active ingredient that shows no harmful effect to the baby or the mother.

Can I breastfeed my baby if I have loose motion?

There is no need to stop breastfeeding if you have diarrhoea but you should be very careful with hand hygiene e.g. after going to the toilet and before you touch food. A breastfeeding mother with diarrhoea will pass on antibodies to her baby, which will help to combat the risk of infection.

What helps loose motion in dogs?

Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so make sure to give your dog access to water at all times….Some tried-and-true methods include:

  1. Rice water: Boil high-quality rice in a lot of water, remove the grains, and offer the dog the creamy white soup that’s left.
  2. Plain white rice.