
How many times has the Bible been translated into English?

How many times has the Bible been translated into English?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Partial Bible translations into languages of the English people can be traced back to the late 7th century, including translations into Old and Middle English. More than 100 complete translations into English have been written.

Who had the Bible translated from Latin to English?

William Tyndale
But it was the work of the scholar William Tyndale, who from 1525 to 1535 translated the New Testament and part of the Old Testament, that became the model for a series of subsequent English translations.

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When was the Latin Bible translated to English?

The so-called Clementine Vulgate, issued by Pope Clement VIII in 1592, became the authoritative biblical text of the Roman Catholic Church. From it the Confraternity Version was translated in 1941. Various critical editions have been produced in modern times.

Who first translated the Bible from Latin?

Jerome of Stridon
The translation was largely the work of Jerome of Stridon who, in 382, had been commissioned by Pope Damasus I to revise the Vetus Latina Gospels used by the Roman Church. On his own initiative, he extended this work of revision and translation to include most of the books of the Bible.

When was the Bible first written in Latin?

382 A.D.
Latin Vulgate The Latin translation of the Bible written by St. Jerome, who was asked by Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. to bring order out of the proliferation of Old Latin versions which were in circulation. His translation became the standard Latin version of the Bible for the Western Latin-speaking Church.

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When was the Bible first translated out of Latin?

All the books of the New Testament were written originally in Greek. The Latin translation of the Bible written by St. Jerome, who was asked by Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. to bring order out of the proliferation of Old Latin versions which were in circulation.

What is the oldest English translation of the Bible?

The Tyndale Bible
The Tyndale Bible generally refers to the body of biblical translations by William Tyndale into Early Modern English, made c. 1522–1536. Tyndale’s Bible is credited with being the first Bible translation in the English language to work directly from Hebrew and Greek texts.

Was the Bible the first Latin?

All the books of the New Testament were written originally in Greek. The Latin translation of the Bible written by St. Jerome, who was asked by Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. to bring order out of the proliferation of Old Latin versions which were in circulation.