
How much does a barrister earn in HK?

How much does a barrister earn in HK?

One partner at a leading international law firm cites figures of HK$6,000 to HK$12,000 an hour charged by elite barristers. When the case goes to trial there will be ‘refresher fees’ of HK$60,000 to HK$120,000 a day. By comparison, a junior barrister might charge HK$2,500 an hour and HK$25,000 a day.

Who gets paid more barrister or solicitor?

Solicitors have a more stable income but the top barristers get paid more than most top solicitors; although the average solicitor may be paid more. Add to that the one year barristers have to spend in pupillage/deviling and the risks of taking the barrister path are higher.

How do I become a solicitor in Hong Kong?

2. The requirements relating to employment under a trainee solicitor contract (the “Contract”) are set out in the Trainee Solicitors Rules….Admission Standards.

The Entire Package pdf
A. Routes to admission for overseas lawyers pdf
B. List of common law / non-common law jurisdictions pdf
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How much is a barrister paid?

The Bar Council has released new figures on barristers’ earnings. 16 per cent of barristers earn more than £240,000 a year – that accounts for about 2,500 barristers. However, a further 13 per cent of barristers (around 2,000) make under £30,000, and nearly one third make under £60,000.

What is a solicitor in Hong Kong?

Barristers have unlimited rights of audience to appear before all courts in Hong Kong. Solicitors. Solicitors provide a range of advisory legal services such as advising on corporate transactions and IPOs, drafting commercial contracts, advising on property transactions, and so on.

Is barrister better than solicitor?

Barristers typically handle the more specific and complex points of a case. Barristers’ work is rewarded more lucratively, and so you will also enjoy a higher salary for each case you work on in comparison with solicitors. A barrister’s role in the legal process is that they are leading advocate in a case at trial.